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About Us

OilheatAmerica is the source for information on the many benefits of home heating oil.


Specifically tailored to consumers, this website is sponsored by the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA).

When you hear an Oilheat ad on the radio - invite a certified Oilheat technician into your home - or install new high-efficiency home comfort equipment, you are experiencing the benefits of NORA. Established in 2001, this dynamic, forward-thinking organization is industry-funded by a small contribution for every gallon of Oilheat sold by retail Oilheat dealers in 23 states. NORA’s prime goal is to improve the Oilheating product for Oilheat consumers.

NORA's major initiatives are Oilheat education and training, research and development, consumer information, and improving energy efficiency.

Oilheat Education and Training


NORA has developed an outstanding Oilheat Certification Program. A key goal for the industry is to ensure the service professionals that come to your home are well trained and aware of the technical advances that lead to higher efficiency and a more comfortable home.  The industry also educates tank installers,  drivers, customer service personnel and management, to establish educational excellence in the Oilheat industry.

Oilheat service professionals can also take NORA-approved courses at NORA-approved schools. These courses help technicians make each service call more efficient - saving the customer money. A well trained workforce will ensure that the Oilheat industry contributes to America's future by providing safe comfortable home heating systems.


NORA has launched an ambitious research program to improve the efficiency of Oilheat equipment through enhanced burner technology, and developing self-diagnostic technology that will enable the heating system to alert you or your dealer when the boiler or furnace needs service. NORA has completed groundbreaking research that improves our understanding of efficiency in the home, how oil heats the home and water, and  how you use your heating system, and uses this knowledge to improve the design and installation of new equipment. NORA is also responsible for developing new furnaces and boilers that DOE has rated as 95 percent efficient.

BIOHEAT_logo.jpgIn addition, NORA has worked to improve the fuel that you purchase. A major stride for the industry is the adoption of a low sulfur fuel. Sulfur is found in crude oil, but it does not burn, and lowers the efficiency of the system. Based on NORA’s research the industry agreed to reduce the amount of sulfur to virtually zero, and that transition is occurring throughout the country. Additionally, NORA has worked to develop a renewable fuel. Our efforts have led to the widespread sale of a new 21st-Century fuel which is a blend of traditional heating oil with renewable biodiesel. NORA is now working to expand amount of biodiesel in every gallon of heating oil. This fuel is called Bioheat® fuel.

Consumer Information

NORA is funding programs for real estate professionals to ensure they understand the benefits of heating oil so they can help homebuyers and sellers where Oilheat is the fuel of choice for the home.

NORA also publishes industry related helpful consumer publications, available through OilheatAmerica. Click here to view them.


Energy Efficiency

NORA is now developing programs to improve the efficiency of homes heated with oil. Lowering the amount of fuel in every home is good for the retail oil company and good for you.


Thanks to NORA, consumers receive more value for every gallon of Oilheat delivered.

Need more information? Please contact OilheatAmerica, NORA or your local Oilheat dealers' association.